Saturday, September 19, 2009

distance means nothing to me. it only makes me want to see you.

"She's better than my dream girl. She's real."

After watching 500 days of summer online last night, I realized that line is the best, ever.

I got so cranky because I missed someone so much. It is weird to miss someone again and to have someone on my mind all day. It is even weirder to be across the country from this person, separated by so many states and even time zones. I feel better now, after not sleeping yet and thinking about it all night. I think it's only natural to have nights like those sometimes.

I am still figuring all this out. I know that whatever is happening with us is not even near this point yet, but I was just realizing last night that no one will love you how you want to be loved, they’ll love you in the only ways they know how. Life throws everyone down drastically different paths, so how can we expect everyone to love in the same way? The person you’ll spend your lifetime with will love you in their way and you’ll love in yours, and maybe you’ll meet in the middle and it will last. None of us know what we’re doing...we’re just fumbling for matches in the dark. If you’re lucky, you'll strike the right one.

1 comment:

  1. "no one will love you how you want to be loved, they’ll love you in the only ways they know how."

    i love you.
